Rocket goes to France

A photo journal of my summer adventure exploring France, 27 years in the making--it was an epic adventure. Be sure to click on the archive button at the bottom for more photos.

Location: Olympia, Washington

This blog is about my quirky world view, obsession with travel and photography and experiencing the world. click to enlarge photos then use the back button to go back. I hope you enjoy seeing as much as I enjoy doing. Tons more in the archives, so feel free to check them out--

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

In Giverny at Monet's home and gardens there was a lovely little cat sunbathing on the path from the house down through the gardens. Since Monet loved cats very much this seemed perfect. I couldn't resist buying the miniature white porcelain cat on a silk pillow in the foundation Monet gift shop. The same cat in porcelain, life sized, was in Monet's kitchen. It was a gift from his Japanese friends. He corresponded regularly with them because he'd loved Japanese woodblock prints and they hang to this day all over his house.
copyright Fred


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