Rocket goes to France

A photo journal of my summer adventure exploring France, 27 years in the making--it was an epic adventure. Be sure to click on the archive button at the bottom for more photos.

Location: Olympia, Washington

This blog is about my quirky world view, obsession with travel and photography and experiencing the world. click to enlarge photos then use the back button to go back. I hope you enjoy seeing as much as I enjoy doing. Tons more in the archives, so feel free to check them out--

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bonnie indoors. She had a bed in the gallery, one on the landing, one in the kitchen and probably in the rooms we couldn't see too. She was old and the house was older. Dating to the 14th century or so. It was beautiful. Two rooms deep and two rooms wide, four stories tall with a roof garden. A narrow winding staircase wound up the center of the house top to bottom. Our room looked over the street and we spent a lot of time just staring at the world below going by.
copyright Fred


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